The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is great. And late-May and early-June is a wonderful time to bird there. One thing we noticed is the natural beauty. There is a plethora of deer on the peninsula. There really are a lot of deer in Yooper Country.
Another thing we noticed is the real effect on the living standard of people of the economic problems. In the hinterlands there we saw rows of houses for sale. Berry saw lots of empty properties for sale, but remember, the houses had actual people in them.
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But what we will remember the most is the amazing diversity of the natural landscape in the Upper Peninsula !
This is our Trip List for our birding vacation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. "Life Birds" will be in red. Our entire "Life List" is on the right side of this page.
- Ring Billed Gull
- Yellow Shafted Northern Flicker
- American Robin
- European Starling
- Turkey Vulture
- Rock Dove
- Double Crested Cormorant
- Red Breasted Merganser
- Hooded Warbler
- Mallard
- American Crow
- American Redstart
- Black and White Warbler
- Black Billed Cuckoo
- Pine Warbler
- Hooded Warbler
- Canada Goose
- Great Blue Heron
- Ruby Throated Hummingbird
- Olive Sided Flycatcher
- American Kestrel
- White Throated Sparrow
- Chipping Sparrow
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Northern Parula
- American Tree Sparrow
- Killdeer
- Blue Jay
- Black Capped Chickadee
- Yellow Rumped Warbler
- Eastern Kingbird
- Lesser Scaup
- Bald Eagle
- Common Raven
- Ruffed Grouse
- Sandhill Crane
- Green Winged Teal
- Song Sparrow
- Mourning Dove
- Common Redpoll
- Iceland Gull
- Bufflehead
- Common Loon
- Barn Swallow
- Ladder Backed Woodpecker
- Gyrfalcon
- Common Merganser
- Hermit Thrush
- Red Tailed Hawk
- Lapland Longspur
- Pied Billed Grebe
- Least Flycatcher
- Black Throated Green Warbler
- Eastern Wood Pewee
- Cerulean Warbler
- Boat Tailed Grackle
- Yellow Warbler
- Brown Headed Cowbird
- American White Pelican
- Purple Martin
- Cedar Waxwing
- Gray Catbird
- Ring Necked Pheasant
- Loggerhead Shrike
- Bank Swallow
- Great Egret
- Tree Swallow
- Osprey
- Downy Woodpecker
- Trumpeter Swan
- Rough Legged Hawk
- Wood Duck
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Bobolink
- Dickcissel
- Ring necked Duck
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Merlin
- Juvenile Cooper's Hawk
- Caspian Tern
- Forster's Tern
- Eastern Meadowlark
- White Crowned Sparrow
- Willow Flycatcher
- Ovenbird
- And, occupying another branch of the taxonomic tree, Rabbits, lots of Deer, Beaver, Muskrat, Field Mice, even more Deer, Chipmunk, Box Turtle, Snapping Turtle, did I say Deer and a Black Squirrel...
And after Nancy took us home from the airport, we went to the kennel and picked up Cosmo. What a terrific birding vacation !
If you are interested in following our adventures, look at the bottom of this page for the link to our Icelandic Birding Trip. I still have not finished the Mexican Page, so it is not up yet.
Photos courtesy of bshelton and rfowler
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