Saturday, July 1, 2017

Visit to Austin, Texas

Berry had business in Austin, Texas so we birded the Lady Bird Lake area. A fisherman who was babysitting his little sister told us that he had just caught a gar on his fishing line. It was very hot, so we did not stay out too long.

Swooping across a parking lot, a Night Hawk (Chordeiles Minor) was identified by the white wing bars that resemble torpedos on a sea plane in the Second World War.

Beside the lake, we identied the Brown Jay (Psilorhinus Morio) by its distinctive song. It was identical to the song of that bird yon my Sibley's app.

Pecking at the ground in front of our hotel was the White Winged Dove (Zenaida Asiatica).

At another park we saw a Foresters,s Tern (Sterna Foresteri) flying above some water.

Robert and Berry

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia