When we took our birding trip to Iceland in 2010, we slowly drove around the coast, changing hotels everyday. We behaved pretty much the same way in the Yucatan in 2006, driving from hotel to hotel around that beautiful Mexican peninsula. This changing of hotels makes for a hectic and tiring birding trip. For the past couple of birding trips, we have purposefully stayed at a single hotel each trip and took day trips each day, driving away from our base and back each day. This may provide ourselves a more relaxed experience.
Here is a list of all the birds we saw.
- Double Crested Cormorant
- Laughing Gull
- Herring Gull
- Rock Dove
- Western Gull
- Dickcissel
- Willett
- Brown Pelican
- Black Chinned Hummingbird
- Sanderling
- Long Billed Curlew
- Killdeer
- Osprey
- Great Egret
- Common Raven
- Says Phoebe
- Yellow Crowned Night Heron
- House Finch
- Black Throated Sparrow
- Little Blue Heron
- English Sparrow
- Costa’s Hummingbird
- Blue Winged Teal
- America Coot
- American Robin
- Mallard
- Snow Goose
- Whimbrel
- Heermann’s Gull
- California Coastal Song Sparrow
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Western Kingbird
- Red Shouldered Hawk
- Western Grebe
- Black Phoebe
- California Gnatcatcher
- Dusky Phoebe
- Great Blue Heron
- Green Heron
- Northern Mockingbird
- Bank Swallows
- Western Sandpiper
- Reddish Egret
- Red Knots
- Snowy Egret
- Black Bellied Plover
- White Crowned Sparrow
- Tricolored Heron
- Black Crowned Night Heron
- Belted Kingfisher
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Downy Woodpecker
- Black Necked Stilt
- Lesser Yellow Legs
- Blue Winged Teal
- European Starling
- California Towhee
- Black Bellied Whistling Duck
- Cinnamon Teal
- Northern Pintail
- Northern Harrier
- Ruddy Duck
- American White Pelican
- Purple Finch
- Royal Tern
- Marbled Godwit
- Western Meadowlark
- Pied Billed Grebe
- Slate Colored Junco
- Mourning Dove
- Turkey Vulture
We packed to leave San Diego. Our trip to the airport was rather uneventful. We found our gate, we boarded the plane and then we found our seats. Just as we got settled in our seats, Robert in Seat 8-B, then suddenly, another passenger started waving her ticket at Robert, demanding to see his ticket. She wanted Seat 8-B and, to that end, she wanted to take his ticket up to the front of the plane, but Robert kept his ticket. A United stewardess came and resolved the issue. The frantic passenger had actually boarded the wrong flight. The embarrassed lady passenger left the plane. The stewardess just shrugged her shoulders, saying that the computer really ought to have caught the error.
We flew to Houston, but the United flight was late. This meant that we arrived at the gate of our connecting flight and they were already loading. We hustled aboard the United plane and just skipped lunch. It was good to get back home. No worse for all that, with several new Life Birds in our pocket.
Robert and Berry